Samgra Fixed Deposit Schemes

Samgra Fixed Deposit Scheme is similar to a bank fixed deposit, Post Office Fixed Deposit/ Time Deposit (POFD) Scheme, Where you can deposit money for a fixed time period and earn a guaranteed return on that. This is a good investment option for those who want to deposit a lump sum for a fixed tenure. You will get the deposited amount along with the interest earned on it at the time of maturity.

Fixed Deposit scheme, offered by Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Ltd., is a good Fixed Deposit (FD) plan that offers one of the best FD rates in the industry. Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Ltd. fixed deposit rates range from 8.75% to 10.25% p.a. We offers a number of Orianna Fixed Deposit schemes that come with various facilities.

For Normal Age Group (16 to 59)

Investment (One Time) Rs. Interest Rates 8.75 9.25 9.75 10.25 10.25 10.25
Lock-In Period 6 months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
5000.00 Maturity 5219.00 5463.00 6023.00 6700.00 7387.00 8144.00
10000.00 Maturity 10438.00 10925.00 12045.00 13401.00 14775.00 16289.00
15000.00 Maturity 15656.00 16388.00 18068.00 20101.00 22162.00 24433.00
25000.00 Maturity 26094.00 27313.00 30113.00 33502.00 36936.00 40722.00
50000.00 Maturity 52188.00 54625.00 60225.00 67005.00 73873.00 81445.00
75000.00 Maturity 78281.00 81938.00 90338.00 100507.00 110809.00 122167.00
100000.00 Maturity 104375.00 109250.00 120451.00 134010.00 147746.00 162889.00
150000.00 Maturity 156563.00 163875.00 180676.00 201014.00 221618.00 244334.00
200000.00 Maturity 208750.00 218500.00 240901.00 268019.00 295491.00 325779.00
300000.00 Maturity 313125.00 327750.00 361352.00 402029.00 443237.00 488668.00
400000.00 Maturity 417500.00 437000.00 481803.00 536038.00 590982.00 651558.00
500000.00 Maturity 521875.00 546250.00 796146.00 670048.00 738728.00 814447.00

For Senior Citizen (60 or Above Age group)

Investment (One Time) Rs. Interest Rates 9.25 9.75 10.25 10.75 10.75 10.75
Lock-In Period 6 months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
5000.00 Maturity 5231.00 5488.00 6078.00 6792.00 7522.00 8331.00
10000.00 Maturity 15694.00 16463.00 18233.00 20376.00 22567.00 24993.00
15000.00 Maturity 26156.00 27438.00 30388.00 33960.00 37611.00 41654.00
25000.00 Maturity 52313.00 54875.00 60775.00 67921.00 75222.00 83308.00
50000.00 Maturity 52313.00 54875.00 60775.00 67921.00 75222.00 83308.00
75000.00 Maturity 78469.00 82313.00 91163.00 101881.00 112833.00 124963.00
100000.00 Maturity 104625.00 109750.00 121551.00 135841.00 150444.00 166617.00
150000.00 Maturity 156938.00 164625.00 182326.00 203762.00 225666.00 249925.00
200000.00 Maturity 209250.00 219500.00 243101.00 271682.00 300888.00 333234.00
300000.00 Maturity 313875.00 329250.00 330750.00 407523.00 451332.00 499850.00
400000.00 Maturity 418500.00 439000.00 486203.00 543364.00 601776.00 666467.00
500000.00 Maturity 523125.00 548750.00 607753.00 679206.00 752220.00 833084.00

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Any individual can Deposit in scheme.
  2. Can be opened by Cash or Orianna Internal Cheque Facility.
  3. Nomination facility is available at the time of opening and also after opening of account
  4. Multiple Accounts can be opened.
  5. Minor after attaining majority has to apply for conversion of the account in his name
  6. No premature allow within 90 days of deposit FD, and no interest will be pay if withdraw within 6 months.
  7. If Brocken before Lock-in period and after 6 months then 3% p.a. Discount Rate will be applied on Annual Interest Rate, no deduction from principal amount.
  8. Loan available on FD.

Fixed Deposit (FD) Account, FD Calculator, Fixed Deposit Calculator, FD Interest Calculator

To know how much you will earn on a Orianna Nidhi Fixed Deposit, use an online calculator. Calculate the exact maturity value of an FD by entering details such as amount invested, rate of interest, tenure of investment and type of interest compounding frequency

Choose your Fixed Deposit Scheme as per your requirements and avail the option of applying for savings account in our Nidhi Company in Puranpur.

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