About Us

Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Ltd. being a company registered under the Companies Act 2013, it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA. Also being registered under the Company Act 2013 Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi. Main objective is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift ,saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its member only by receiving long and short term deposits and in particular recurring, fixed and other deposits, not being current accounts from the members as are allowed by law for Nidhi 01 Mutual Benefits Companies, and to grant loans to the members only as against securities of immovable properties (within City) and or on the security of deposits, movable such as gold, silver, jewellery, Kisan Vikas Patra, National Saving Certificates Scheme, insurance policies and other Government securities up on such terms and condition as may from time to time prescribed in law for Nidhi or Mutual Benefits Companies.



A company declared as a Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Society registered under the section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Nidh is have many features which make them stand distinctly apart from many other Non-Banking financial company who are working under the guide line of R.B.I

Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Ltd. has the rules and objectives of that are the same as a bank, but it is only in effect to someone (a members group) who has agreed or joined this agreement, as a bank, but to do business for the Its Member only. So if the term is a quasi-bank, i think that the rules and objectives of that are the same like the commercial bank, but this thing are only in effect to someone (a members group) who has agree/join on this agreement. If a bank, but not the one honoured to do business for public. The way we provide service to our members is far better than others and we are trying to make it much better as our aim is to provide extreme level service to people as well as to our nation. Providing a world class financial support, Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi. is continuously securing the society, we live in; on the other side, creating all new service method spontaneously Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi is presenting a pleasant way which will help human being to lead the life comfortably. In a word we can say that Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi is the "New Way of Your Savings.



In Futures we think that Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Ltd. reaches at that point from where we means all my employee and customers y together with high colors; for this in Futures aspect we want to increase my customers and employees as far as possible. Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Ltd. is not only company of one member but it is company of those who joined and will join with it.



Create the awareness about saving and value of the money so that they can change their life style. Our mission is to create an employee with loyalty, reliability and hard work. Our mission to change thought of public regarding their lifestyle and development.

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