Terms & Conditions

  1. A Person is to be member once in the company during his life period.
  2. The Membership fee is Rs. 300/- for saving & recurring account & Rs. 300/- for Fixed Deposit holder.
  3. Minors can’t be member of the company.
  4. The lunatics are not eligible for membership in the company.
  5. A member can open saving/recurring/fixed deposit account in Samgra Vikas Mutual Benefits Nidhi Limited.
  6. Loans only granted to the member on company’s terms and condition and as per Nidhi Rule 2014.
  7. No person shall be eligible for loan without membership.
  8. A member can avail loan on KVP/NSC/RD/FD/SAVING AC/GOVT BOND/SECURITIES/GOLD/SILVER and other securities from the company.
  9. Uploaded signature should be match with any Signature Proof.
  10. If company levied any charges for transaction processing or other services, this will non-refundable.
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